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[语言求助] material tales

  • TA的每日心情
    2018-11-21 09:39
  • 签到天数: 69 天


    发表于 2018-10-15 12:23:14 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    本帖最后由 enti 于 2018-10-15 15:24 编辑
    ( ^! K" y. p% C" `/ X$ F* F3 G1 M" W" o
    A startlingly large number of our objects bear on them the marks of later events. Sometimes this is merely the damage that comes with time, like the broken headdress on the Huastec goddess, or from clumsy excavation or forceful removal. But frequently, later interventions were designed deliberately to change meaning or to reflect the pride or pleasures of new ownership. The object becomes a document not just of the world for which it was made, but of the later periods which altered it. The Jomon pot (Chapter 10), for example, speaks of the precocious Japanese achievement in ceramics and the origins of stews and soups many thousands of years ago, but its gilded inside tells of a later, aestheticizing Japan, conscious now of its own particular traditions, revisiting and honouring its long history: the object has become a commentary on itself. The African wooden slit drum (Chapter 94) is an even more remarkable example of an object’s many lives. Made in the shape of a calf for a ruler probably in the northern Congo, it was re-branded as an Islamic object in Khartoum, and then, captured by Lord Kitchener, carved with Queen Victoria’s crown and sent to Windsor – a wooden narrative of conquests and empires. I do not think any text could combine so many histories of Africa and Europe, nor make them so powerfully immediate. This is a history only a thing can tell. 5 o. n4 E: P7 E7 A$ B

    1 w5 R6 D1 n- H6 A% k! w" HTwo objects in the book are disconcertingly material tales of changed allegiances and of structures that failed, showing two different faces to two very different worlds.
    From the front, Hoa Hakananai’a (Chapter 70) proclaims with unshakable confidence the potency of ancestors who, properly venerated, will keep Easter Island safe. On his back, however, is sculpted the failure of that very cult and its later, anxious replacement by other rituals as the Easter Island ecosystem broke down and the birds essential to life on the island moved away. The religious history of a community, lived out over centuries, is all legible in this one statue. The Russian Revolutionary plate (Chapter 96), by contrast, shows changes that were very much the consequence of human choice – and political calculation. The use of imperial porcelain to carry Bolshevik imagery has a beguiling irony about it; but that is rapidly overtaken by admiration for the unsentimental commercial brilliance which guessed correctly that capitalist collectors in the West would pay more for a plate if it combined the hammer and sickle of the Revolution with the imperial monogram of the Tsar. The plate shows the first steps in the complex historic compromise between the Soviets and the liberal democracies which would continue for the next seventy years.
    ( L# S- E% C# ~. D* J/ e' l; L  o+ T
    material 作为形容词, 这里是哪个释义啊? 虽然我倾向于是(physical)有形的, 存在的(根据上文划线部分), 但是 (relevant)相关的 貌似也能解释啊 --- (虽然有个especially a law case, 但也不代表不能用吧)?
    # [5 u2 D! k3 U
    & `7 j2 _0 h# A9 e- k, _有感于slowdive同学的回帖,中文注释是我个人对vocabulary.com的释义分组的理解 (因为我也不怎么看的懂英文释义,纯属瞎猜, 窘)
    3 L: _2 w, g( r' v4 O5 P4 O8 K; t" z; }
    • noun : the tangible substance that goes into the makeup of a physical object' G  I& V* N" S6 V* f
                    //有物理存在意义的(然后由此有两个形容词释义). ^- r4 B4 [3 a1 ~+ v& g
    -- 1, having material or physical form or substance
    5 B5 E" r2 N' t/ n-- 2, derived from or composed of matter
    ; n$ D" E" `0 X( G' r# X+ `8 ]4 o# h+ F. C$ x  d3 n
    • noun:information (data or ideas or observations) that can be used or reworked into a finished form
        }; k$ D2 e2 H$ p- j
         //有实质内容的, 有料的 (由物理意义引申到抽象数据, 然后又由此有两个形容词释义)' Z) l  W8 N* L  K* u) W' ?9 U
    -- 3, having substance or capable of being treated as fact; not imaginary5 C1 `/ `; g3 w, Z
    -- 4, directly relevant to a matter especially a law case
    : v0 |0 f/ X  Y- j6 s# P  X* ^. L/ v1 o5 V8 Z; @/ _8 M: {
    •         //跟衣食住行有关了, 物质生产, 财富
      5 F( C+ @% M3 D
    -- 5, concerned with or affecting physical as distinct from intellectual or psychological well-being& L/ F" ~1 d, R6 G
    -- 6, concerned with worldly rather than spiritual interests
    * m% M2 w" F( V% v- g
    6 R# z( M/ X3 D3 {

    + Z/ W) k3 Z% w
    ' d8 K4 c: v  m& f  @1 o7 A' H& U& M& N" w% @7 v# f
    % x% M/ S5 K& J% h
    9 Z" ~8 B2 l! L6 d! r0 a" \
    " V; w$ y1 X$ p6 \6 V2 k
    + \7 V; d# `( r2 G/ E2 B4 {& ?

    % o) s% J) O# o6 z: M9 b; N
  • TA的每日心情
    2023-1-11 16:25
  • 签到天数: 35 天


    发表于 2018-10-15 15:37:15 | 显示全部楼层
    enti 发表于 2018-10-15 14:548 M! f5 R7 l, n1 A7 p
    你这又是第三种解释了, 我的妈呀, 要疯了!!!!
    / q  |( N7 [4 s2 a( `* W# q. @- K: T
    但是通常来讲wordly是财产, 名利之类的吧. 物质生活, mate ...

    6 J9 c% m6 Q2 w1 M2 ~) N可能前面我考虑太复杂了,现在突然顿悟了 这里的Two objects不就是 tales in material(physical)form么?因为tale是摸不着的无形的,而objects是有形的东西,所以说two objects 是 有形的故事。- j2 m3 G+ i* |9 Y" n$ k  C, Y0 J
    这里的意思就是having physical form
  • TA的每日心情
    2018-11-21 09:39
  • 签到天数: 69 天


     楼主| 发表于 2018-10-15 12:28:01 | 显示全部楼层
    7 m. K8 Q6 e( o% ^9 P  R. f, r: H, ^' Q6 F4 L8 J5 b; F
    3 I) P! e# z' ^) u  q% I7 Y  b& c# o$ c' D( J6 [# A/ |

    4 E- `: I6 |- f2 M
  • TA的每日心情
    2023-1-11 16:25
  • 签到天数: 35 天


    发表于 2018-10-15 14:25:22 | 显示全部楼层
    6, concerned with worldly rather than spiritual interests 应该是这个 可以从两方面推导 1. disconcertingly (disturbingly) 后面按逻辑应该跟一个比较负面的词。2. 从后文看这两件物品都有势利表现。
  • TA的每日心情
    2018-11-21 09:39
  • 签到天数: 69 天


     楼主| 发表于 2018-10-15 14:54:33 | 显示全部楼层
    本帖最后由 enti 于 2018-10-15 14:56 编辑
    ! ^5 H9 j* e2 m+ L# W3 U; ?7 F  f3 @) C  a1 t+ i' `
    你这又是第三种解释了, 我的妈呀, 要疯了!!!!
    ; o: ~: U5 B  q$ a: D! A( d8 l/ I, Y
      o* ~* [9 f9 a2 V$ T8 q9 ]但是通常来讲wordly是财产, 名利之类的吧. 物质生活, material/wordly goods。 你看它给的例句都是 “material possessions”, “material wealth”, “material comforts”
  • TA的每日心情
    2018-11-21 09:39
  • 签到天数: 69 天


     楼主| 发表于 2018-10-15 17:38:52 | 显示全部楼层
    谢谢 slowdive
  • TA的每日心情
    2023-1-11 16:25
  • 签到天数: 35 天


    发表于 2018-10-16 07:37:48 | 显示全部楼层
    enti 发表于 2018-10-15 17:38
    0 F% K" R) Z2 R7 e9 l' e6 _- w! W( N谢谢 slowdive

    # q7 z' N4 Z! a. D0 h! nnp. glad my answer is of assistance to you
  • TA的每日心情
    2018-11-8 10:50
  • 签到天数: 29 天


    发表于 2018-10-16 09:25:36 | 显示全部楼层
    本帖最后由 在职研究生 于 2018-10-16 09:27 编辑 ( D# G+ Q& L4 ~! w1 ^# H7 `5 F! e

    6 p  x3 z" f4 M3 ~4 M" jmaterial 作形容词基本上就两个语意。
    $ p, k2 m0 f7 y3 @0 {4 L; \1 @& g1.与物质有关(如the material world, material objects, material needs)
    . p8 M# G) q5 G3 p( [2.形容有价值,很重要,所谓“干货”(如material information, material facts, material data)7 Y5 R% C3 X8 x8 q4 E2 T

    + n2 I7 c+ _1 @6 P! q文章中那个语境很容易判断出是第二个意思。
    # K( |: ?. d# ^  V: A" i注意是 disconcertingly material tales of* i4 z# T9 e6 h
    这个副词disconcertingly 是关键,他修饰了形容词material,意思就只能形容为 “这个故事material到让人感到不安”,所以只能是第二个词义才能解释通,而与物质无关了。+ z6 w& J) K* j. ^1 [& v2 `( I. ^
    4 o9 X# X* i  [  b- p3 B
  • TA的每日心情
    2018-11-21 09:39
  • 签到天数: 69 天


     楼主| 发表于 2018-10-16 11:26:42 | 显示全部楼层
    好有道理, 可是为什么不能是 "实物"的意思呢? : |5 f1 y* G- S# F/ B4 j% h1 k8 L
    disconcertingly  --- in a way that makes somebody feel anxious, confused or embarrassed# s- `& ?8 R0 U9 z4 m
  • TA的每日心情
    2023-1-11 16:25
  • 签到天数: 35 天


    发表于 2018-10-16 12:41:08 | 显示全部楼层
    Could “disconcertingly material” be rephrased into " containing information or matter that is disconcerting (unsettling)"? If that's the case, then “disconcertingly material” is quite understandable in context.
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