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[专有词库] 【Mesong】Stealing Cinderella.rar



发表于 2009-3-5 19:13:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Stealing Cinderella  - Singer: Chuck Wicks
  A' Y$ ]. K; Y; q               这首歌中,主人在唱,其中涉及到了3个人物。 毛手毛脚的小伙子到老丈人家去求婚,满有把握要象王子一样,把人家的“灰姑娘”带走。结果同老丈人的对话,让他心里明白了一个道理,自己或许在他女儿那里象那么回事,可在未来老丈人眼里,女儿永远都是完美的,而他自己不过是个来偷走人家宝贝的傻小子。
' n& f% {0 o* P( W. Y/ d. k1 l, s1 T
: }/ r+ E7 p1 y/ ^     歌曲中流露的真情、真爱,非常朴实无华,却极有感染力。女儿、老父和未来的女婿之间的情感,表现的非常细腻,越揣摩,越让人感动。 如果你是女儿、或女婿,珍惜老丈人即将“失去女儿的”那种感觉吧。在两代人之间的感情,认真体会,你会明白的。希望大家过个快乐有爱的“三八”节。愿美妙的歌声一直陪伴环绕你。  6 \' M4 g# r9 H. u% s) T
- D: q" l0 f3 K: x/ {
& Y3 `) h9 |" }% y
歌词这里:: i$ Y. f, V% g/ i* C/ ?; m' w
I came to see her daddy for sit down man to man* |+ I+ v. N- O  a  S  V
It wasn't any secret i'd be asking for her hand
7 F4 y- o. ~  }3 EI guess that's why he left me waiting in the living room by myself& R+ R/ U( U1 k. X- R
with at least a dozen pictures of her sitting on a shelf! r1 f( s2 |" i; D
, P1 h5 y! W; x& A- l我一定会娶到他的女儿,这也不是什么秘密。' A6 j: Z" L1 p, Q" A
我猜这也是他把我一个人丢在客厅里,而书架上还有一堆他女儿的照片(老父看女儿要出嫁了,就看过去的照片,其中的滋味几何? 是幸福,是怀念,还是...., 慈爱无限,通篇没有一个“爱”字,却充满了爱!)# g, I( n5 k* d2 u6 D5 p$ W
" j4 N3 ~6 r7 R- m0 F
She was playing Cinderella, she was riding her first bike7 p3 V" O" |) e2 A/ W+ P% j
Bouncing on the bed and looking for a pillow fight  m$ C" ~9 c4 O0 {
Running through the sprinkler with a big popsicle grin
: h9 M, Z( V6 ZDancing with her dad, looking up at him.
2 \2 h' e, S- PIn her eyes i'm Prince Charming, but to him i'm just some fella
4 c# L) B4 a: t2 ?" zriding in and stealing Cinderella.
+ n8 t# _' ^. T9 ~9 \照片有她在扮灰姑娘,在学骑第一辆小自行车,在床上乱蹦,找老爹打枕头仗,围着防火栓捉迷藏,露出牙齿鬼精灵地笑,老父教她跳舞,她仰着头看着父亲。 我是她眼中的白马王子,但是对老父来说,我不过是那些找上门来要偷走他的宝贝女儿的小伙子中的一个。
. o/ z3 y1 P% ]) |2 L- a. L  n( f$ }& v, m. k5 Z
I leaned in towards those pictures to get a better look at one
' y! P) p9 G: pWhen I heard a voice behind me say "Now, ain't she something, son?"
: O' M4 Y8 N( S- ]2 g6 [0 j6 N( ?I said "Yes, she's quite a woman" and he just stared at me
" o. U' [* H( |' g8 e5 pThen I realized that in his eyes she would always be.: ^! t0 H- T- P# {/ e
我凑近那些照片,对其中一个细端详,听到背后传来声音,“怎么样,小伙子,她很俊俏吧?”4 h7 I- R  u2 x( l0 q+ ]/ q7 @2 B
我回答说,是的,“马马虎虎,还可以吧”。老父只是盯着我没有再说话,我那时意识到,在他的眼里,女儿永远都是他的宝贝。 5 k/ R' z, s1 r9 P
! n) d# F" g3 }( e$ S$ a  Z
Playing Cinderella, Riding her first bike
3 U1 |" b4 ?* ^/ m% j, b; jBouncing on the bed and looking for a pillow fight- d% e$ ~% N) o7 m  L% m
Running through the sprinkler with a big popsicle grin$ M! t6 G, h9 E/ ~) n4 ]$ ?
Dancing with her dad, looking up at him
* C; }; @2 X7 }9 y; j, HIn her eyes i'm Prince Charming' i6 P. G0 t) g, C1 o5 F3 m, Y" y! w
But to him i'm just some fella riding in and stealing Cinderella.$ e% H; {# V: l8 G: w
% C" {. g9 A: @/ M2 ]4 U. \
& E' |' p. e  OHe slapped me on the shoulder, then he called her in the room# e- a' x5 c+ |. `+ c; c5 L6 @
When she threw her arms around him,that's when I could see it too.6 v& O- S# Q. \7 X# i  j: A
6 f; ^" d$ b" j& z  I
6 ]0 q1 s0 q# iShe was Playing Cinderella, riding her first bike  H. n$ A+ M% ?+ I6 c  H
Bouncing on the bed and looking for a pillow fight0 r. E3 e0 f, `/ h
Running through the sprinkler with a big popsicle grin
8 g' q5 q* I  L) UDancing with her dad, looking up at him.
9 ]2 h% {0 U# U. b/ w/ NIf he gives me a hard time, I can't blame the fella( i/ H0 r) C6 ~/ G! o" d
I'm the one who's stealing Cinderella.
2 d- E% E+ R6 {; K/ F" C6 E/ [学扮灰姑娘,学骑小自行车,在床上乱蹦,找老爹打枕头仗,围着防火栓捉迷藏,露出牙齿鬼精灵地笑,老父教她跳舞,她仰着头看着父亲。即使老岳父要给我出难题,我也不能责怪他,因为我不过是那个找上门来要偷走他心肝宝贝的毛头小伙子。


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发表于 2009-4-27 20:35:22 | 显示全部楼层
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