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[闲聊吐槽] American Heritage English Free_7.1.192.apk试用

  • TA的每日心情
    2018-1-17 14:10
  • 签到天数: 3 天


    发表于 2017-2-2 10:52:18 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    本帖最后由 baishu 于 2017-2-3 09:08 编辑
    9 W& X1 c* |# k; w3 p: U, \8 c7 D2 P; k
    American Heritage English Plus是收费版 体积16m$ C* w0 O6 ~* g3 L
    American Heritage English Free需要联网才能使用 但是体积也要近16m
    6 E  n6 {: p  Z这个文件在谷歌商店里随便下载 但是如果手机上没有谷歌商店不知道能否使用
    : |( v' i* |7 t* q0 j* L- \6 n* _因为一开始使用就说要谷歌商店更新才能使用 结果谷歌商店也没连上 也能用了. F! v" w* O5 d  Y. z- ~

    ( h+ H$ Q4 s5 ?! P! d2 Q( V权限要求  h3 L$ ?! S9 _+ J! t

    6 M+ ]) [$ n2 [  ~- a5 @% B% w& d; L7 F3 }! e7 w, A0 X1 o+ O/ d
    初始界面1 T9 f2 t( N4 V

    ; @( W* r9 q% n: I1 p4 Y
    ) H. b4 U. H$ p: p! Q: R给收费版的广告和提示
    / W- W& w8 s- N% m
    & D, J6 E" u( Y" \( J$ c0 H
    * x; b/ }* L2 n& ~' m; a有些附录 这个是热力学* m/ }& S6 q0 N% ?9 f: ~
    : G1 \6 _3 Q4 O6 R7 t8 u+ c

    0 E& \5 u) o/ g' g7 q几个带插图的词条. U. c, ]+ p% q( `
    % E6 n8 T" T5 n  T- c# Y$ T6 ~# f( O5 O

      d, U3 a6 q$ ?$ W4 D: w5 h) J
    - P6 t0 U+ D. g, O4 l
    3 O* h% t1 b% c1 e断开网络后的提示0 b  R% `5 W+ r9 D, S7 e% V" y; A
    % A3 D  i  x& b! a

    ' b$ H4 ]7 a% l* B以下是该词典官方博客上的一篇关于2016年更新内容的文章 转贴在此方便大家进行比较3 N3 q! S0 \  R* A0 T1 ]7 O
    American Heritage® Dictionary: Year in Review for 2016
    & Z# o5 J# z: g5 N+ L2 `
    1 [/ _$ ]4 u7 p& YDuring 2016, the editors of the American Heritage Dictionaries revised thousands of entries and added over 400 new words and senses to the 5th edition of the American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. The free website ahdictionary.com and the iPhone and Android apps include this new material.
    , r+ k# u# L* k" H+ K- J
    & i2 f' t3 C! z; S% s, MHundreds of new words and senses! Here are a few:
    6 n6 [6 o+ H1 g3 n( @0 N; R
    + y3 s+ l  K! L- l6 \  P: w3 A; XDelicious food terms" l$ @# ]; }* A
    ' M4 l3 n2 W  j; }
    maki: Rolled sushi that typically consists of vinegar-flavored rice and cooked or raw fish, wrapped in a sheet of nori, and usually cut into bite-size pieces.9 p8 L" Z' Z- E- ~  l# f
    spaetzle: Irregularly shaped pasta or dumplings made usually by pressing dough through a colander or coarse sieve into boiling water.) {) F; r- G9 @" K
    poke:  A Hawaiian salad or appetizer traditionally consisting of cubed raw fish, often yellowfin tuna, that is marinated in soy sauce and sesame oil, and mixed with diced onions, sesame seeds, and ginger.
    9 w  B' |6 S5 D% X/ h% vGeneral interest terms
    5 c: p" L" `) v  B$ p6 a
    3 e, a1 A0 o. G1 M' [5 iglamping: Camping in glamorous or luxurious conditions.
    % U- H  M( h4 l/ I& h/ c! D% ~journal (new sense): To write one’s observations or thoughts in a journal.+ x1 P$ J! ~$ J: |# Q; ]0 }
    katana:  A long, single-edge sword for use with two hands, traditionally worn by samurai.
    3 @/ z' A1 ?$ {2 Ushowrunner: A person who has creative control over a broadcast series, as on television, and who manages its day-to-day operations.& C. G( m/ V7 f$ }! h* s3 |% ?
    Science and technology terms: |1 T8 s! `, f/ ?
    & w- ]  F0 t9 d& v$ v: v  L, S) t
    brick (new senses): noun A smartphone, tablet, or similar electronic device that connects to the internet that has become inoperable. transitive verb To cause to become inoperable. Used especially of electronic devices, such as smartphones and tablets, that connect to the internet: I bricked my smartphone when I tried to untether it.  intransitive verb To become inoperable. Used especially of electronic devices, such as smartphones and tablets, that connect to the internet.
    ) ?+ t5 c! f, [  Y. Zmicrobead: A tiny plastic pellet, usually less than 1 millimeter in diameter, used as an abrasive in personal hygiene products such as soap, shampoo, and toothpaste. Microbeads in personal-care products have been banned in the United States because they contribute to water pollution.
    1 B2 f: M% h% Z- {6 Fransomware: Malware that disables the normal operation of a computer until money or other ransom is paid to the person or organization responsible for the malware.
    1 P1 `9 O7 `8 n( oZika: A flavivirus that is transmitted primarily by aedes mosquitoes and that causes a mild disease with symptoms that include fever, rash, joint pain, and conjunctivitis. Infection by the Zika virus in a pregnant woman can cause microcephaly or other brain defects in her infant. The virus can also be transmitted via sexual contact and from mother to child. Also called Zika virus.
    2 j$ o9 ~9 Q& i& }6 \  PNew and Revised Usage Notes. Here are two examples:
    7 g" e  @$ P3 k( m' H" r
    ' l% U8 s; l3 z" t% lthey: (revised)  The use of the plural pronouns they, them, themselves, or their with a grammatically singular antecedent dates back at least to 1300  … The construction is so widespread both in print and in speech that it often passes unnoticed… . Many people dislike they with a singular antecedent. This includes much of the Usage Panel, though their resistance has declined over time. Resistance remains strongest when the sentence refers to a specific individual whose gender is unknown, rather than to a generic individual representative of anyone: in our 2015 survey, 58% of the Panel found We thank the anonymous reviewer for their helpful comments unacceptable. A sentence with a generic antecedent, A person at that level should not have to keep track of the hours they put in, was rejected by 48% (a substantial change from our 1996 survey, in which 80% rejected this same sentence). As for the use of they with antecedents such as anyone and everyone. . . by 2008, a majority of the Panel accepted such sentences as If anyone calls, tell them I can’t come to the phone (56 percent) and Everyone returned to their seats (59%). · The recent use of singular they for a known person who identifies as neither male nor female remains controversial; as of 2015 only 27% of the Panelists accepted Scout was born male, but now they do not identify as either traditional gender. With regard to this last sentence, the Panel’s responses showed a clear generational shift: the approval rate was 4% among Panelists born before 1945 and 40% among Panelists born later.
    : R/ O" N8 ]" m& b" F2 @# Y  s( Z; x" M! N- a

    ) N5 |7 c2 g' p5 v" cxenophobia: (new) Xenophobia has long had two acceptable pronunciations: the traditional pronunciation with a short e in the first syllable, and a variant with a long e. In our 2015 survey, the Usage Panel overwhelmingly found both forms to be acceptable. Slightly more Panelists (55% as compared to 45%) use the long-e pronunciation in their own speech.  


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  • TA的每日心情
    昨天 07:35
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    发表于 2017-2-2 16:47:25 | 显示全部楼层
  • TA的每日心情
    2023-11-29 11:30
  • 签到天数: 335 天


    发表于 2017-2-2 17:48:53 | 显示全部楼层
  • TA的每日心情
    2018-1-17 14:10
  • 签到天数: 3 天


     楼主| 发表于 2017-2-3 08:50:07 | 显示全部楼层
    本帖最后由 baishu 于 2017-2-3 09:20 编辑 / P* Z1 F" V8 Z  E6 V* c, o: ^7 X
    skydan05 发表于 2017-2-2 16:47
    7 {( O- m" u$ _# ?  y, a没有找到楼主给出的版本,倒是看到并下载“American-Heritage-English-Free_v5.1.064pakage.apk”

    % k; F2 l4 F, M4 `9 O* F3 R3 S+ b/ R% I" E% @( R, J
    哈哈 我也找到了 5.1版只要安卓4.0就能运行 但是7.1则要求4.1平台 而且5.1版压根就不提谷歌商店这个茬儿
  • TA的每日心情
    2018-1-17 14:10
  • 签到天数: 3 天


     楼主| 发表于 2017-2-3 09:06:05 | 显示全部楼层
    woaini123 发表于 2017-2-2 17:48
    8 `# ?: r, u4 i6 l- f7 A感谢分享!!第五版也出版了几年了,不知道这个内容有没有更新
    - N  X# e8 y0 l9 q: L$ C% C
    这个软件实际上就是一个客户端 内容基本都是从网站上实时下载的
    : m5 b2 J* y4 X( ^/ N: N( r8 L# p从官方博客上看 他们2016年对词典做过一次更新(具体看我更新的帖子内容)
    ) S- T' D' [- ~6 R6 S  ~他们提到poke这个词的第五个用法 夏威夷的一种沙拉 软件上可以看到这个新释义3 U8 [" ]3 l! I1 A( j! z
    我手边的第四版是没有这个释义的 但是我也没有第五版 所以无法确认
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