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掌上百科 - PDAWIKI 淘帖 英英词典


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[2018.9.18]thesaurus.com近义反义词词典 attach_img digest garypang 2018-8-7 3181 99620 咸鱼突刺 2023-3-31 18:17
[20180709] Webster's New Dictionary of Synonyms by medwatt - fixed ver. - [阅读权限 20]attach_img Silas 2018-7-8 633 5244 hereiam510 2023-3-30 18:12
Crabb's English Synonyms, Revised and Enlarged - [售价 10 粒米] attach_img x123 2018-6-6 27 4513 gentlebrother 2020-10-29 08:41
[20180218]Collins COBUILD English Usage [狗年福利派发完毕] - [阅读权限 30]attachment HMPT 2018-2-18 587 4675 yuejingting 2023-3-31 00:25
[拜年啦][20180217]American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language 5/e - [阅读权限 30]attach_img digest HMPT 2018-2-17 662 8191 yuejingting 2023-3-31 00:33
[20180131]Oxford Advanced American Dictionary 2018 农历旧年 最后的晚餐 - [阅读权限 30]- [售价 10 粒米] attach_img digest HMPT 2018-1-26 790 10051 scju 2023-3-31 15:54
[新年礼][20180204]Collins COBUILD Advanced English Dictionary Online 2017 - [阅读权限 30]- [售价 10 粒米] attach_img digest HMPT 2018-1-4 683 8813 法律人 2023-3-30 23:35
【20171007】The New Oxf。rd Picture Dictionary attach_img zhu1234 2017-10-7 929 33654 亘佑 2023-3-31 09:20
【20171005】Oxf。rd Reading Tree Dictionary attach_img zhu1234 2017-10-5 274 12640 scju 2023-3-31 14:59
Cambṟįdge Acȧḍeṁìc Contếnt Dictionary[20180327更新] attach_img digest reVocabulary 2017-6-24 1067 134597 亘佑 2023-3-31 09:34
Collins American English Thesaurus (2016) 柯林斯美语同义词词典 eatingfishes 2017-4-6 1502 60716 scju 2023-3-31 16:29
【3.16更新】Mɑсmillɑn 麦·克·米·伦 【2.18数据】 - [阅读权限 20]attach_img motgen 2017-2-19 233 9643 ralovecs 2021-12-17 19:06
英语短语词组频率词典EPFD v3【20170208】 attach_img zhu1234 2017-2-5 969 41181 ah220506 2023-3-31 20:23
Collins English Dictionary + COBUILD + Thesaurus (2016) attach_img eatingfishes 2016-12-3 97 16359 wu_cosmos 2022-8-26 02:15
【2018第一弹】0xf0rd EC-CE Dict&RHU Unabridged 2016(Audio) - [阅读权限 30]attach_img H-梦想缤纷 2016-10-7 537 12393 shuwushimang 2020-10-10 16:37
【08.21更新】图解词典 - thefreedictionary.com 词条24,760 图片2.48万 - [阅读权限 30]attachment qiuhao1112 2016-8-20 202 4097 ermybelart 2019-12-28 01:15
Visual_dict 【图解】【2015.12.23】 attachment zhu1234 2015-12-23 539 33940 xiaosuwanzi 2022-4-22 09:58
Ẃȯɾlƌ Ɓơơƙ Dictionary 2015 精校+插图版 - [阅读权限 30]digest bt4baidu 2015-11-20 2353 60164 XSVBM 2022-6-11 20:14
USE THE RIGHT WORDS 重排版 attach_img shmildys 2015-10-30 180 19555 中国百科全书 2022-3-23 10:05
Reader's Digest Use the Right Word: Modern Guide to Synonyms and Related Words attach_img Langheping 2015-10-22 33 10555 去老莫 2023-2-20 20:52
【合集】MərrīamーWeßstër's Super Deluxe Bundle, 2015 - [阅读权限 20]attach_img digest bt4baidu 2015-9-15 3335 73555 Doomed 2023-3-21 20:23
Cöllíns English Dictionary and Thesaurus: Complete & Unabridged, 2015 - [阅读权限 20]attachment digest bt4baidu 2015-8-31 3952 88474 无欲则刚2020 2022-9-1 08:21
【2016/08】Dictionary.com Unabridged, 2016闪亮发布 - [阅读权限 20]attachment digest bt4baidu 2015-8-23 3035 76105 kjysolo1988 2021-8-25 02:03
【2016/06/02】0xford Dictionary of English, 3/e, 插图版隆重发布 - [阅读权限 20]attach_img digest bt4baidu 2015-8-9 2754 61438 csxg 2023-1-1 21:41
【2014/12/15】Collins Junior Illustrated Dictionary (Second Edition) qunwang6 2014-12-15 748 40581 ave 2020-11-12 20:55
Webster's New Dictionary of Synonyms attach_img medwatt 2014-8-14 162 35614 YTMi 2023-3-7 23:54
【2017/01更新】联网真人发音!Vocabulary.com Dictionary绚丽发布! - [阅读权限 1]attach_img digest bt4baidu 2014-6-29 1315 126395 cmcc926 2023-3-30 19:40
Merriam-Webster's Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms attach_img yingyuxx 2014-4-7 76 14415 xwyang 2022-10-6 10:44
【20200204补档】Shorter Oxford English Dictionary Sixth Edition - [阅读权限 20]attachment digest Hugh 2014-1-30 2512 26240 匿名 2023-1-25 18:33
【2013.09.07】《朗文英语发音词典》(Longman Pronunciation Dictionary )3rd Edition - [阅读权限 20]attach_img digest Oeasy 2013-6-3 148 11684 pk.com 2021-1-5 16:57



似水无痕QQ 2018-8-26:

梓雨 2018-8-19:








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