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[新版发布] Jyut Dictionary 精致UI

  • TA的每日心情

    昨天 04:12
  • 签到天数: 1289 天


    发表于 2021-11-27 17:42:38 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    Jyut Dictionary

    / y  r# m$ ~' a( F+ k9 P! v' U, J. d9 z4 i$ k2 M5 e
    A program to look up words in Mandarin or Cantonese, with Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Pinyin, Jyutping, and English input.7 R5 N( A7 [, n1 l3 D: \! R: n- Z
    % p9 G2 _: {, [2 a. U
    Available for macOS, Windows, and Ubuntu.
    ) d& c2 ?8 m+ ~) L  o

    # b! ]4 B7 N( o; W# b9 a7 o

    3 R* X: W' [9 m! q2 d2 @9 q9 |" C1 V  C/ V% Q; u

    ! F4 P& [7 |8 v& I/ h3 Y
    ) |0 p: H, G1 j  T& O6 ?  c% B" O9 {* ^+ f  M( k& F7 {
    / U1 w) s; P% F

    ' E6 }. x; B. a2 K- h3 q+ F/ o8 G. b9 m( t

    ; `2 R* x) g) B! w& H6 W  L1 f7 c2 T  H, t, _9 @

    ( M" U  R4 X% Q- T
    " Z, w  a% j8 A7 b
    dictionaries) l& F8 v8 I" B+ o5 i
    - \5 u; c. O6 o
    This folder contains several Python3 scripts that convert the various online Cantonese/Written Chinese dictionaries into the dictionary format used by Jyut Dictionary. Some sources include:
    ' o7 m# T6 m/ i5 E9 l4 Q
    " O# R- x4 k" `    CC-CEDICT and CC-CEDICT-compatible dictionaries, such as:
      Q2 b- W) P: A# t        CC-CEDICT
    - p; h% T* A& @  A, _        CC-CANTO# G+ n! c$ r" [2 w
    4 m( v/ z: G0 y7 A. x; {        HanDeDict" l: l/ V- W. w6 W( [: ^/ u' K
        CUHK 現代標準漢語與粵語對照資料庫
    ) ]: A8 b) O- \/ Y' p& e    CantoDict
    + f; W0 ~4 {) W. f* ?! J    Cross-Straits Language Database (兩岸詞典)$ K- H7 A) H' p4 }* l/ A% P9 U
            兩岸三地生活差異詞語彙編6 Y) x( U- H0 B9 d+ ^
        Kaifangcidian 粵語詞典 - 開放詞典  \" ^7 O* J8 @( }+ S+ z% j
        MoEDict (重編國語辭典修訂本)
    % |" s6 ]4 |- J* Q# j6 c    Tatoeba0 e" |7 c+ F+ M5 i4 \, c7 Y
        Unihan Database) f2 ^, U7 y8 _; f
        words.hk 粵典
    ( o' D, Z" m! G: {4 @: L

    , b0 @8 T1 y$ y
    下载 macOS/Windows/Linux (Ubuntu)
    # `7 e! R% J2 y$ K5 ]' i
    " |9 A, N% ~+ P* C2 s


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  • TA的每日心情
    2024-2-8 08:54
  • 签到天数: 902 天


    发表于 2021-11-27 20:48:53 | 显示全部楼层
    本帖最后由 Gyngreenlie 于 2021-11-27 21:27 编辑
    5 X0 b* y2 }" ?- f% p* P* S. d6 o% z
    0 W4 \) t+ A. a/ S% _  V$ l楼主,您好。点击链接,进入页面,为何没看到下载download的提示词?
  • TA的每日心情

    昨天 04:12
  • 签到天数: 1289 天


     楼主| 发表于 2021-11-27 23:00:55 | 显示全部楼层
    Gyngreenlie 发表于 2021-11-27 20:48
    % j! V3 W- `, F( |9 z楼主,您好。点击链接,进入页面,为何没看到下载download的提示词? ...
    ( {- o0 L- f6 u4 z/ H+ {
    Jyut-Dictionary_0.20.0525_Windows_64bit_install.exe 63.7 MB$ d: A, \( o% A8 @
    Jyut-Dictionary_0.20.0525_Windows_64bit_portable.zip 58.3 MB


    谢谢您。致敬!  发表于 2021-11-28 08:57
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