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预览 “吐槽”怎么译成英语呢? attachment kyletruman 2016-5-28 121716 白夜 2016-5-31 21:08
预览 “豪门俱乐部”? attach_img Oeasy 2016-5-31 1907 kyletruman 2016-5-31 10:23
预览 [语言讨论] painstaking(adj)到底painful不? attachment Littlebush 2016-5-31 31032 woaini123 2016-5-31 09:02
预览 滴水不漏 @ 新世纪英汉大词典 Oeasy 2016-5-30 21182 kyletruman 2016-5-31 00:32
预览 从cheerleader条看英汉(双解)词典 attachment Oeasy 2015-1-24 145043 kyletruman 2016-5-30 21:49
预览 zz透过东洋看西洋 Oeasy 2016-5-29 4914 Littlebush 2016-5-29 16:57
预览 dislustre 是个错误的拼写 Littlebush 2016-5-29 2991 Oeasy 2016-5-29 13:55
预览 【讨论】“好基友”怎么翻译成英语? attach_img kyletruman 2016-5-28 82346 kyletruman 2016-5-29 09:13
预览 [语言讨论] enzyme @朗文4双解 attachment Oeasy 2016-5-19 71336 yzgmail123 2016-5-28 20:46
预览 妄议如何翻译好 Littlebush 2016-5-28 0925 Littlebush 2016-5-28 20:45
预览 [语言讨论] 小议闺蜜的英文翻译 Littlebush 2016-5-25 112647 shipley.wu 2016-5-27 10:13
预览 [语言讨论] 朗文双解[简体]几处XX的地方[20160516] Oeasy 2016-5-16 92694 Toyger 2016-5-27 00:01
预览 [语言讨论] Topless women... elusty 2016-5-26 21076 Littlebush 2016-5-26 18:28
预览 Chinese Helico**@COED elusty 2016-5-26 11186 deeke 2016-5-26 17:38
预览 [语言讨论] 闺蜜这个词感觉挺常见啊。为什么各大词典都查不到? woaini123 2016-5-26 01013 woaini123 2016-5-26 02:06
预览 讨论一个困惑我已久的语法问题 Littlebush 2016-5-23 151586 dingjayi 2016-5-25 17:10
预览 铁帽子王的意译 attachment Littlebush 2016-5-23 61145 xiaokeai 2016-5-24 12:30
预览 xingu xiaokeai 2016-5-23 31036 xiaokeai 2016-5-23 21:18
预览 chilling做独立的形容词时有没有cold这个意思? Littlebush 2016-5-23 61122 woaini123 2016-5-23 14:20
预览 in plain sight嘛意思? Littlebush 2016-5-23 41348 elusty 2016-5-23 07:49
预览 fall short, fall over @ Microsoft Bing Dictionary, Macmillan English Dictioanry attachment PurlingNayuki 2016-5-22 82181 PurlingNayuki 2016-5-23 01:27
预览 words of like import意思 elusty 2016-5-22 01194 elusty 2016-5-22 11:47
预览 一个好玩和好味的词drumstick xiaokeai 2016-5-21 71000 Littlebush 2016-5-21 21:59
预览 一个值得玩味的词drumbeat Littlebush 2016-5-20 91616 elusty 2016-5-21 06:47
预览 接地气的来源 Littlebush 2016-5-17 101851 kyletruman 2016-5-20 23:02
预览 [语言讨论] Singlish enriches the English language, says Oxford dictionary editor Oeasy 2016-5-20 0874 Oeasy 2016-5-20 21:04
预览 maturity date @google translate attachment elusty 2016-5-20 21280 xiaokeai 2016-5-20 19:53
预览 high做名词有毒品一意? attachment Littlebush 2016-5-19 171613 Oeasy 2016-5-20 11:32
预览 print or type your name in contract elusty 2016-5-19 0893 elusty 2016-5-19 22:55
预览 讨论一下你认为英语最难的地方在于? attachment Littlebush 2016-5-19 94326 gftderer123 2016-5-19 22:16
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