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Respiratory System;Urinary System;Digestive System;Lymphatic System;Cardiovascular System(来自每日签到)
2019-1-28 12:27 回复|
The system concerned with the transport of blood and lymph (来自每日签到)
2019-1-27 22:08 回复|
The time when the sun enters one of the equinoctial points ,that is ,about March 21and September 22(来自每日签到)
2019-1-26 10:52 回复|
One of the two times in a year when the day and night are of equal length(来自每日签到)
2019-1-25 20:12 回复|
The time when the sun enter one of the equinoctial points, about March 21and September 22(来自每日签到)
2019-1-24 22:13 回复|
2019-1-23 20:37 回复|
The world; the planet that we live on(来自每日签到)
2018-8-14 15:52 回复|
including the aorta ,the pulmonary arteries and veins, and the venae cavae.(来自每日签到)
2018-8-13 17:21 回复|
A longitudinal plane that divides the body of a bilaterally symmetrical animal into (来自每日签到)
2018-8-5 09:01 回复|
anthropometry the scientific study of the measurements and proportions of the human body .(来自每日签到)
2018-8-4 08:53 回复|
a cuplike division of the renal pelvis surrounding one or more renal papillae.(来自每日签到)
2018-8-1 22:54 回复|
any cup-shaped cavity or structure ,esp any of the divisions of the human kidney (renal calyx) (来自每日签到)
2018-7-26 16:50 回复|
tubule :a minute tube, especially as an anatomical structure。kidney tubules(来自每日签到)
2018-7-24 12:38 回复|
Ilium the large broad bone forming the upper part of each half of the pelvis .(来自每日签到)
2018-7-23 16:12 回复|
the circulation that carries the blood from the right ventricle to the lungs(来自每日签到)
2018-7-22 20:45 回复|
the organ of women and female animals in which babies develop before they born.(来自每日签到)
2018-7-21 08:11 回复|
The German authorities are considering an airlift if the situation become critical.(来自每日签到)
2018-7-19 15:15 回复|
2018-7-16 18:04 回复|

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