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分享 bank on sb/sth
enti 2018-10-31 15:03
Even though Apple has been spending $10bn a year on research and development, “people aren’t banking on innovation ”, says Amit Daryanani of RBC Capital Markets, a bank. That helps to explain why the firm’s shares are valued on a price-to-earnings ratio of around ten times its forecast 2018 e ...
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分享 lend support, weight, credence, etc. to something
enti 2018-10-31 14:29
Atop a hill there is usually nowhere to go but down. Questions about the future of the iPhone and whether Apple will ever design another product to match it pursue the company. The relentless rise of smartphone ownership is slowing, with around two-fifths of the global population now owning one. App ...
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分享 fetch = sell
enti 2018-10-30 13:13
TO A FOREIGN tourist, a giraffe is an extraordinary and elegant beast. To locals it is, too often, a larder on legs. A giraffe can weigh as much as a tonne and a half. Only two African animals, the elephant and the white rhino, are heavier. And bush meat fetches high prices. So, even though gira ...
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分享 paper trail
enti 2018-10-24 23:06
This week, we're talking election security and technology. Today's show is focused on old tech: paper. Remember the 2000 presidential election fiasco and the hanging chads, those tiny bits of paper that stuck to paper ballots? They confused vote counters so much the Supreme Court eventually had to ...
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分享 关于近一年学习外语的一些心得
winew 2018-10-14 01:24
我马上步入不惑之年了,但是一直有一种忍痛,就是从毕业那年起(23岁),我就一直想把英语学好,但是我似乎总是在学习英语的大门外徘徊。我总是想将来有很多时间可以学,没有把学习英语当做我最需要优先做的事情。 有时候别人问我,你的爱好是什么啊? 我甚至厚脸皮说,“我爱好学习外语”。3年前吧,新东方夏老师办的 ...
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分享 in its wake
enti 2018-10-13 04:36
Florida began to count the cost as Hurricane Michael passed, leaving a devastated state in its wake . Some 370,000 Floridians had been evacuated before Michael’s arrival; six people are known to have died. Rick Scott, Florida’s governor, said the hurricane, which produced 150m ...
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分享 牛津简明英语词典,1911年经典复刻版(The Concise Oxford Dictionary: The Classic F ...
centrino 2018-10-8 13:00
牛津简明英语词典,1911年经典复刻版(The Concise Oxford Dictionary: The Classic F ...
The Concise Oxford Dictionary: The Classic First Edition 1st Edition,100周年纪念版,经典复刻。 内容简介 本书为一百年前精准牛津字典的再版! 1911 年,本字典为知名的 Henry Watson Fowler 和 Francis George Fowler 兄弟从原始的牛津字典中精心挑选出的字汇,多半为日常生活所用 ...
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分享 朗文英语写作活用辞典(Longman Language Activator)
centrino 2018-10-8 11:41
朗文英语写作活用辞典(Longman Language Activator)
朗文英语写作活用辞典 内容简介 一般传统英语辞典主要以释义为目的,指导学习者如何理解词语的意思。 本辞典则主要指导学习者如何有效的运用词语,有别于传统英语辞典。 本辞典通过关键词把表达相同思想、概念或属于同一语义范围的单词和词组编排在一起,帮助学习者增加词 ...
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