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[学习讨论] 听力 20230621 二战后日本的人种改良政策



发表于 2023-6-21 09:54:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
: ?- Z8 \1 ~2 G& l- z5 }# o# r

$ J; T. W# t. F" g音频文件来自于BBC全球新闻20230620
5 v  @) I/ Z. b5 R- J- H
  ]+ G: w. [  Q; H1 ?不算很难,但要听写全对也绝非易事。语速偏快,词汇量中等。
$ d3 V0 f3 a3 T5 N2 z! P- _3 g0 j, R4 G9 O7 D9 o/ E
***( I: a. w/ W0 N9 T) I6 P
* |. r8 e9 U/ s+ D
附上我的听写稿- c* _' E. M# X) b5 O
' R, g0 L3 _- l8 u! B% W

) c; j6 S$ w8 e" hJapan has published the results of an investigation into a govenment eugenics policy, which until the 1990s saw 25,000 people with supposed mental and hereditary disabilities undergo sterilisation. Will Leonardo reports.
) z9 o) Y1 [7 f+ LThis extensive report has highlighted some of the most egregious cases arising from post-war Japanese legislation that sought to prevent those deemed to be impaired from having babies.
3 s: L* S7 ~* L, r, U% [8 ^, B1 r; o6 E9 Q$ [3 y
- J2 [! x/ r* j; r4 U
8 @  x1 P2 ?, B+ L+ }% ~! t2 X
4 f# Q# ~, N9 o
Pan. 1 }" D0 K  |) c3 i( Y


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 楼主| 发表于 2023-6-21 10:04:06 | 显示全部楼层
definitions of impairment, instead of "impairments"( I$ h# A% F5 |: O
removal of, instead of "the removal";


 楼主| 发表于 2023-6-22 09:52:50 | 显示全部楼层
马羽鑫 发表于 2023-6-21 22:473 u# x9 T% T4 @% G, e3 t9 r
链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1SemD9GVXqTLmy5oWe0Vj_g?pwd=m1aa 2 x9 D4 f  |; v8 A; Q3 K5 t7 T, o! A* a9 c

# T. I( R; U3 \( iYour sure it's the right video? I went to the page and got a video about the Unibomber, who happens to be a figure of great interest to me. And I did locate the part of your reqest at 1'22, which is
& M3 G0 {! z* J8 _. y4 y& G/ y+ r
... he also mailed power bombs to university professors and business executives. By the time he was arrested...
, d6 P1 i: }/ `
- H2 O6 g4 ]+ Y1 I3 Q7 vIncidentally, please upload the file in mp3 format, which will save a lot of trouble for whomever may come to your "rescue".
* G" R4 D% K7 e, m- B* l6 Z$ d9 i2 x) V1 o% F2 h: H) u3 }9 g
Please re-check your file.
# p% Z0 l5 x6 J2 k. j) B
# m4 e9 \5 \  H6 ?% E7 lPan.


发表于 2023-6-22 10:55:16 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 马羽鑫 于 2023-6-22 10:58 编辑 2 d& W+ L$ `+ a: \/ Z
pan 发表于 2023-6-22 09:52( W2 O7 t9 r4 E+ E
Your sure it's the right video? I went to the page and got a video about the Unibomber, who happen ...

/ Y/ O" ?  W' t  v
$ D' f# p; q! _9 s不好意思,低级失误,传错视频了
% e5 p. T* V$ w3 L# u5 L
; O2 l3 m0 Q! S$ q, Q链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1JWGuR8n4bNwH6y3D3z8oug?pwd=2whl . n& d; T' W  t: Y  h3 m
* H1 a$ E, Z- z2 u6 D
, ?+ j: i5 ?" T+ j2 l) w8 S0 i; E) LCNN一段新闻,
" B/ l+ K+ K& W! d5 S$ K% R$ ]$ {帮我听下1分22秒处, w; P; S' E, u# y- B$ O

6 w' Q' P( n7 l# n1 m) {) m! r... got very upset in terms of when I shot that balloon down with two XXX full of spy equipment in it ...6 V6 r& x, H6 z2 c
, N# i/ x  i+ t# Q
& k) H2 D) r/ Y! f4 p  Y. e/ {4 X) P. f- q, a, ]( w


 楼主| 发表于 2023-6-22 11:42:46 | 显示全部楼层
6 p( p; h' w" t  ^8 W9 ^( P4 k/ `3 I) @, A. J


 楼主| 发表于 2023-6-22 11:44:13 | 显示全部楼层
Again, you may easily get away with an mp3 file, and better still, a rar-compressed one. Or zip. 2 v& V3 g. T7 p* L( [( [
$ k( {- _9 x! d8 s8 G
That's why I insist on using only the audio. , w. a# u3 K" }5 r/ h9 [4 h4 z

. d% @5 S9 d5 p5 g0 Q" yPan.
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