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[词典讯] 【2013.08.24】The Chambers Dictionary (TCD)版本考(尚未开始)



发表于 2013-8-24 12:25:04 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
% @" Q9 _0 S; ^- a- U) u
+ U' w% D) G: V* r; ^; ]2 p
我个人很喜欢老的、历史悠久的词典,TCD(The Chambers Dictionary)首版于1872年(这年Bertrand Russell刚出生),最新版是2011年8月的第12版,是除W3、ODE以外,我用得最多的英英词典。5 E5 y6 F& [' @# u0 O8 ~- R
提到这第12版,TCD139年才出到第12版,而Collins English Dictionary1979年才第一版,2011年就第11版了,参考拙帖(https://www.pdawiki.com/forum/thread-11012-1-1.html),Collins真是刷版本号的典范,在COBUILD词典上也有所体现。* L6 o7 h9 W7 z7 }; W6 q

& A( o  e" Q6 ]4 p4 \
4 }2 }- D: F6 A$ M7 U
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chambers_dictionary, s' n+ \9 ?, v- M1 E9 ~$ @3 ^
The Chambers Dictionary (TCD) was first published by W. and R. Chambers as Chambers's English Dictionary in 1872. It was an expanded version of Chambers's Etymological Dictionary of 1867, compiled by James Donald. A second edition came out in 1898, and was followed in 1901 by a new compact edition called Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary.[1]& c4 A0 `6 [& t# e9 S0 |
TCD is widely used by British crossword solvers and setters, and by Scrabble players (though it is no longer the official Scrabble dictionary). It contains many more dialectal, archaic, unconventional and eccentric words than its rivals, and is noted for its occasional wryly humorous definitions. Examples of such definitions include those for éclair ("a cake, long in shape but short in duration") and middle-aged ("between youth and old age, variously reckoned to suit the reckoner").[2] These jocular definitions were removed by the publisher in the 1970s, but many of them were reinstated in 1983 because of the affection in which they were held by readers.
; C% k6 q% `1 T, G2 K. W) P% KThe twelfth edition of The Chambers Dictionary was published in August 2011 by Chambers Harrap Publishers Ltd and runs to 1936 pages. This edition is available for mobile use as an iPhone and iPad app. Also on sale is the smaller 21st Century Dictionary of 1664 pages, where "the focus is on the English that people use today, and definitions are given in straightforward, accessible language". This dictionary can be accessed for free online.
5 N$ N5 M& \) Q* TIn an agreement with Mattel the Chambers dictionary was also the official source of words for the book "Official Scrabble Words" (OSW), a lexicon of all words and inflections playable in tournament Scrabble within the UK and other countries like New Zealand and Australia. In 2005 Mattel changed the source dictionary to Collins.


发表于 2013-8-25 11:06:23 | 显示全部楼层
chambers 12 有光盘吗?


发表于 2013-8-25 20:02:12 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 Oeasy 于 2013-8-25 20:04 编辑
9 K7 e# B# j- a, Y- D; ~3 @
belleyeah 发表于 2013-8-25 11:06 1 J4 X! O' [6 B2 `
chambers 12 有光盘吗?

" m6 [# [4 L0 b
/ ^) }$ {* I6 \& r( E, l没有,只有WordWeb Pro 6.8及以上的版本有收录TCD12,http://wordweb.info/ordering.html,另有iPhone/iPad应用。7 J2 a6 Y" C7 K4 ?
事实上,TCD12的dsl已经制作完成。7 u' k  J9 t0 E) ]
If you want to know more information, refer to this URL: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_d2d32a0f0101dvrf.html
* h+ U: B& z% F' H


发表于 2013-8-25 20:08:29 | 显示全部楼层
Oeasy 发表于 2013-8-25 20:02
" i: |% K* |1 x" w# l/ S1 u" _% Z( H没有,只有WordWeb Pro 6.8及以上的版本有收录TCD12,http://wordweb.info/ordering.html,另有iPhone/ ...

- W" ?: G# y6 x+ |6 ?: D0 N" C谢谢!这个博客作者是要拿这个TCD12来交换?还是收费?看他的名字是LexicaExchange


发表于 2013-8-25 20:27:32 | 显示全部楼层
belleyeah 发表于 2013-8-25 20:08
9 Q2 E% ?2 C# L: N( e5 g/ D谢谢!这个博客作者是要拿这个TCD12来交换?还是收费?看他的名字是LexicaExchange
: T  ?$ E  ~  S7 f+ \, X; @; _, h
You can contact him/her for details via email. I don't think that dictionary enthusiast did this for money. 不过要知道,网络上能找到的资源别人也能找到。网络不是万能的,好多好东西(mdx、dsl)都在原创制作者的硬盘里呢。{:5_227:}8 i$ t# e- m4 J


发表于 2013-10-2 20:19:02 | 显示全部楼层
Oeasy 发表于 2013-8-25 20:27
4 M# I, @3 F6 _- U: BYou can contact him/her for details via email. I don't think that dictionary enthusiast did this f ...

- m. e/ i5 b8 Y* u3 p* c0 s看样子13又快来了,
7 w6 h1 g4 B9 r* k: Z8 y3 Mhttp://www.chambers.co.uk/competitions.php
* ?4 P4 B' y! T
Full Terms and Conditions – Chambers Dictionary 13th Edition Competition 2013
+ G% }! x5 L6 o) k. o$ L; U
而且chambers thesaurus已经出到第四版了:) s' M& A! Q8 N$ w2 |  c" {" d
0 D' B8 l' R3 \: Z& R# _
Chambers Thesaurus (hardcover, 4th edition)
, C% r2 [1 e/ m! YRRP: £30
1 \, ?- o2 k; g* t% J4 H( d
. o9 ~5 b- H- F" B+ t2 c


发表于 2014-3-30 23:23:47 | 显示全部楼层
thanks for this valuable information


发表于 2015-8-1 01:05:58 | 显示全部楼层
1 t; J2 j- i# s  W) c# k& Z
http://www.yiwen.com.cn/mybbs/an ... ID=18&ID=246317
4 q& \9 S/ C+ J5 B* ?6 lipsediem  发表: 2012-02-08 13:09:12
5 c0 i7 U1 G7 `5 n* \
TCD 出版史:+ H: @- t; G) |, E' b) H# _
* q+ \0 i: F5 ~* L2 Q3 k  }: Y$ ^: F
a revision of:
0 R" C/ T& ^0 H- ^7 t6 F2 {. _& N3 l* M! h  z
http://www.stph.com.cn/mybbs/Ann ... ID=18&ID=1954848 Q6 P! M; ^& u3 R

: S; l2 q9 C8 T8 O, {" P
! J. ?1 E" Z% }9 x9 H6 M. O" b1st: 1901 Chamber's Twentieth Century Dictionary
: V( F0 Y  v# A1 `% [2nd: 1952 又称 The Mid-Century edition9 K- U  s; f1 G- w# V
3rd: 1959 revised edition (of 1952), with supplement
, N1 T0 {! t5 a0 @7 W& n* C4th: 1972 renamed Chambers twentieth century dictionary0 x! s' u+ @8 l) c+ @% P6 x
5th: 1983 renamed Chambers 20th century dictionary
8 F$ Q6 L. o) t. [6th: 1988 renamed Chambers English Dictionary (CED)! J8 o7 s. E$ S, x0 h; y* L- x
7th: 1993 The Chambers Dictionary (TCD)3 d5 B( l  E- c+ `
8th: 1998  }5 R0 c) Z3 O, v* y
9th: August 4, 2003
; Y5 B7 F, g* M, {% F6 d( G10th: Sept. 4, 2006: k2 V+ @9 e" i: x! l+ e; |3 Y  ^0 r9 G
11th: August 22, 20088 a. h( m9 }( |" v
12th: August 26, 2011
  w& w  a4 z0 w+ p& N/ b8 x0 d* h. w2 Z) @4 X
(excluding the so called 3rd edition of 1959) 新版的相隔从51年,到20年,再到11年,再到5年出个新版,直至2003年以来每2-3年弄个新版出来圈钱,Chambers的进化速度不可谓不神速! TCD的第1版比 Collegiate 1 晚了3年,第12版却领先于Collegiate 12, 而Collegiate 在整个20世纪可没有中间打了50年盹的情况,自1963年以来都是固定每10年出个新版。而且钱伯斯词典的大名改来改去,似乎无法决定到底叫啥才最合适。; @5 c3 F0 Y0 ~: _

& R: u' `* ], FCollegiate 出版史:2 j: m" k, U5 ~# P
5 d6 X0 J7 ~/ Z* p1 z/ k4 n$ H
1st: 1898 (迟至1914年仍有重印,出版进有1,080页,和COD1 页数差不多)/ `7 J  H; r" \0 v" F+ J2 y9 l
% S8 X# E% o# s) F0 U
2nd: 1916
- x( U7 I8 O) d8 N( a: x7 y: S* \0 r2 m2 Z- B
3rd: 1925 (二版和三版都是比较难弄的,有时价格在初版之上。eBay上曾有日本人一掷百余美金,只为获得一部品相较好的二版,估计是就差这个版本没买到急于想收齐的缘故)
* m* S# C# s/ C6 o' L5 V- S# E; ^) L3 Q5 p
4th: 1931 (二至四版出的比较密集是因为一战带来很多新词,1925年的版本来不及反映--新词需要时间来沉淀,昙花一现的东西不宜收得过滥;第二个原因,一战后的二十年代美国社会发生了转型,产生很多新事物)  n7 J; I. o0 o  n* V5 w

  A5 w, O5 V* X& h* p; T. I5th: 1936 (有少量发行,大量发行时间是次年1937) 五版以前有很多真皮精装本,的确非常精美,媲美英国和欧洲大陆同类真皮本。品相好的,开价在一百美金以上,贵至两三百(those unread/unused dictionaries)而且要碰运气。这些真皮本的“通病”是:太贵气了,太不平民化了。搞不好,还要经常伺候保养这些“百年鸡皮”,嫌麻烦的不如买全布精装本来得方便。5 c3 \3 u! I- G0 s2 W9 G
( _/ z; Q/ t1 z& q) A1 y
6th: 1951 (因二战原因推迟)Webster's new collegiate dictionary.
0 u7 ^8 L/ G/ p, R& L  B$ ?
# ]" N9 m: Q8 J; Y8 y  }0 o# l7th: 1963 (因W3于1961年出版而推迟了2年)Webster’s seventh new collegiate dictionary. 1 k* `0 U* o- ?  ^9 h
# b# s3 r7 S% p: d& G* t5 \
8th: 1973 Webster's new collegiate dictionary. / S* d. {2 [9 G: y# `. h, m4 |; d: H
) X' ~& G8 _: ~% q
9th: 1983 Webster's ninth new collegiate dictionary.
2 O& z3 c5 x8 i2 J- R' j
4 E+ X0 t$ _9 n+ U/ R10th: 1993 Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, the Tenth edition( [$ F6 e" l' |% N/ p3 X$ U
5 R/ M2 T- |; x& P
11th: 2003 Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, the Eleventh edition$ j1 \3 g3 {* q

% B( j8 j' S6 }8 \3 g12th: 2013 (预计)
9 w- L: M: u5 t' o0 W; R$ a* Y, g* ]3 K6 i! i" h2 ?9 {1 B
9 {; V0 w! Y% N6 v  A- ?
[ 这个贴子最后由ipsediem在2012-2-8 13:55:34编辑过 ]
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