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[语言求助] 听力:有没有‘the’?

  • TA的每日心情
    2019-12-18 19:08
  • 签到天数: 5 天


    发表于 2018-12-20 11:36:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    Is there a 'the' in where the square brackets are?4 g8 W( _: B9 S' Z# E5 H. D3 j" D: M

    % [" p6 j4 O) I# V. |--- The US and Chinese leaders discussed [  ] issue on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Buenos Aires Argentina. --- ( The last-but-one sentence at the news item : Please come to listen here )+ z# a  k6 _4 V' H

    ! k0 \* F' A  ]. @$ H, D) r
    # ^- h0 m$ h4 e+ S9 LI was listening to the the audio stream. I feel it's likely there should be a 'the' in there, but I cannot here it.1 {+ U6 ?% r$ {- y; Z4 U1 n7 C- o: X1 {

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    4 b1 t0 y. V( U- A
    Can you hear a 'the' there in the audio stream? Is there actually one there? If not, why?




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