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[新版发布] GoldenDict Android (安卓系统) 官网链接下载



发表于 2017-12-1 22:10:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 chigre3 于 2017-12-1 22:11 编辑
+ O) x3 T6 q9 Y! t  X% M6 l; `: P+ ~$ V* N* P' A, G+ [7 [( l0 |. p" Z
$ x, U  ~. y# }
4 h- L( g2 H0 U- R/ N7 ]  GoldenDict Mobile is a multi-format dictionary program with reach formatting, colors, images and sounds. It fully supports a lot of popular dictionary formats. You can now carry all the dictionaries you want together with you on your Android device.
. H; q% Z7 a7 o- @+ ISupported formats
# S, v4 t0 v! \0 L3 W$ N- ]4 q- D6 L. e. r5 e
支持的词库格式:6 I, w& P( C0 c, q5 D  ^0 _
● Lingoes .LD2 files (灵格斯词典格式)
- x! [9 N* l* O8 ]" r: I7 k● Babylon .BGL files (Babylon 词典格式)
0 W2 j* ?8 \) F; y● ABBYY Lingvo .LSD, .DSL, .LSA and .DAT files (Lingvo 词典格式, 主流常见的权威词典大都有 DSL+ZIP
% M/ c! \5 K9 K$ J$ U● StarDict files (Stardict 词典格式): j0 b* s: f3 v: y! t! H9 N
● Dictd files (Dictd词典格式,内容不多)+ j) O. S2 p. J, Y# d5 i/ C- t3 A4 [
● Hunspell morphologies(构词法词典,桌面版的GD的morphology目录下的文件可以直接复制到安卓版GoldenDict目录下使用,或者可以其他网站上下载更新更全更大的构词法文件)& ]! o1 d% Q% `8 q
● Features
" k  \4 Y4 M' P* B% t- U
# V  d" {8 [& zAll content is shown in full formatting, with images and sounds. We don't compromise on quality.
& R& J" N* w- g2 v! q; j【全效排版显示,图像、音频文件一并支持;外置CSS/字体,自定义全局效果
  Q7 g* e* o" W3 G◆ It's fast. It flies when you have a dozen of dictionaries, and can handle hundreds of dictionaries simultaneously fairly well, too.
4 P) f1 b5 J' s- d! O# [- ^5 d◆ The program will understand your typing no matter how you do it - forget about diacritics, case or punctuation!0 }0 r1 L! ^5 W4 Q, R! E
◆ In-program popup mode is supported. Configure your e-book reader to use "ColorDict3" as your dictionary interface, and GoldenDict will pop up.( i# W9 L% T2 t' D" r
◆ Translating from clipboard is easy - just press and hold "Search" button on your device!
/ U8 x; Q! x- D" p! {/ B/ l0 _◆ Supported devices: all Android versions starting from 1.5 and up to 4.4.) l* C5 N. d3 P$ l  Q0 s
-----------------------------------------------------------/ Z5 |/ U0 D2 f( i% U2 m( x

7 F. A' I$ N+ m" M* l1. 已付费版(使用前提是你已经在PLAY市场购买):
& `9 |' Q& `/ r' Ihttp://goldendict.mobi/downloads/android/paid/) y2 Z8 ~5 p& f5 N! B

6 Y5 S' Z0 ?) L: i, `5 y. X
/ K+ U% v" G4 J5 H8 B" e3 c# G9 `
" Q; Z& B) r- x8 J4 Q- T) r: Q$ O2 A  s& B1 V
2. 免费版(限制:同时最多加载5本词典)
8 m2 a( p' B0 E5 E网络上各个APP下载处均有。
6 d, P3 E, a6 ]3 m, [. V% t
; v$ f1 P* J! `$ ]: A7 k' R7 g-----------------------------------------------------------
! I4 X! d" F; I$ |+ i' Q  T2 \  \安卓版GoldenDict支持的格式也非常多,不过目前不支持mdx/mdd(估计安卓版就不会支持了)' [' V9 U: n4 t2 a) G4 y) `
可以将 mdx/mdd 转为 Stardict格式,绕个弯子支持。


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     楼主| 发表于 2017-12-1 22:43:31 | 显示全部楼层
    sculiuchang 发表于 2017-12-1 22:331 i2 K+ `% c: E( f' \, w; E/ U
      V) ~( E5 }1 c6 J  [3 J+ l
    如果手机上已经安装了谷歌服务 那么可以fq
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